Book by a Single Author:
Haines, C. F. (2006). Showtime!: From opera houses to picture palaces in
El Paso. El Paso, Tex: Texas Western Press.
Book by Two to Seven Authors:
Kearney, M., & Knopp, A. K. (1995). Border cuates: A history of the
U.S.-Mexican twin cities. Austin, Tex: Eakin Press.
An Article in a Reference Book
Tyler, R. C., Barnett, D. E., Barkley, R. R., & Texas State Historical Association.
(1996). The new handbook of Texas. Austin: Texas State
Historical Association.
Newspaper Article
Washington-Valdez, D. (2012, May 21). Cosecha de mujeres.
El Paso Times, pp. A1.
Published Interview
Murphy, C. (2007, June 22). As the Romans did (Interview by G. Hahn).
Retrieved from
Metz, L. C., Polk, J. H., Six Guns and Shady Ladies., & Capstone Productions,
Inc. (2004). Gunfights of the Old West. El Paso, Tex: Capstone Productions.
Austerman, W. R. (1985). Sharps Rifles and Spanish Mules : The San
Antonio--El Paso Mail, 1851-1881. Texas A&M University Press.
Retrieved from
Online Interview
Butler, C. (Interviewer) & Stevenson, R. (Interviewee). (1999). Oral History 2
[Interview transcript]. Retrieved from Johnson Space Center
Oral Histories Project Web site:
Online Newspaper Article
Brody, J. E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brain agile.
The El Paso Times. Retrieved from
Online reference work
Swain, C.M. (2004). Sociology of affirmative action. In N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes
(Eds), International encyclopedi of the social and behavioral sciences.
Retrieved from
Section in a Web document
National Institutute on Media and the Family. (2009). Mobile networking. In
Guide to social networking: Risks. Retrieved from
Some quick hints about APA citations:
Authors names are Last Name, First and Middle Initials. Do not use the whole first or middle name.
Only the first letter or proper names in the title of the item is capitalized. You also capitalize the first letter that occurs after punctuation such as a colon, question mark or exclamation point in the title.
If the book has an editor rather than an author, put (Ed.) after the author's name.
Italicize titles.
If the citation is more than one line, indent the rest of the lines.