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Plaza Classic Podcast: Plaza Classic Podcast: Season 3: Episode 1: Sequels

Provides links and resources related to the Plaza Classic Film Festival.


Craig Holden joins hosts Stephanie Valle and Lisa Elliott to discuss sequels.


Photo of Lisa Elliott, Craig Holden, and Stephanie Valle


Craig Holden's received his MFA in Fiction from the University of Montana in 1986, and then worked for two literary agencies in New York City, eventually becoming a film rights agent. His first novel, The River Sorrow, sold to Delacorte Press, and was subsequently translated into a dozen languages. His third novel, Four Corners of Night, received the Great Lakes Book Award for fiction in 1999, and hit the USA Today bestseller list. His other novels include The Last Sanctuary (Delacorte), The Jazz Bird (Simon & Schuster), The Narcissist’s Daughter (Simon & Schuster) and Matala (Simon & Schuster). He has taught at the University of Toledo, the University of Michigan, and New Mexico State University, and currently serves as the Assistant Vice President for Development at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso. He is also a partner in the film development company Empty Bottle Productions.

Hustler/Color of Money



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