Law Collection
The Law Collection is located on the first floor of the library towards the back. The Law Collection is available for patrons doing legal research.
The collection is primarily for teaching purposes and books may not be up-to-date. Law books in the special collection do not check out.
In the Reference area of the Library you find materials that are used for consultation. They contain brief information on various subjects. For an overview or a background on a subject, consult a reference book. Reference materials do not check out. Examples of reference books are encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, directories, handbooks, and statistical sources.
Librarians are waiting for your questions at the Information Desk. If you have any questions, ask a librarian.
The library provides access to some course textbooks and readings. The Reserve collection is located at the front desk, to the right of the library entrance.
Reserve material is for library use only. Much of this material is the instructor's private property. Patrons wishing to view, photocopy or scan Reserve material must provide a picture ID. There is a special designated area of the library where the material can be used.