When you are ready to search for journal articles , go to the following library webpage: www.epcc.edu/services/libraries
CINAHL, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, Provides access to almost 5400 medical journals (1400 full-text) (Includes limiters for Evidence Based practice). Provides checkboxes for Evidence Based Practice, Meta Synthesis and Randomized Controlled Trial. . You can look under "Publication Type." Under this you can try Meta Analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial, and Systematic Review. (Remember to only use one of these types or checkboxes at a time.) You will also want to use the publication date boxes to limit to years needed. You can also checkmark the "First Author is Nurse" box to help you find nursing research. Checkmark Full Text to limit to articles with articles attached.
Ovid Nursing Community College Extended Journal Collection -- [ Full Text | Wolters Kluwer]
This database contains 42 active journal titles with Full Text to the present on all titles. For this database, you will click on "Your Journals@Ovid." This will provide you access to the journals that EPCC subscribes to. If you don't click on this link, you will see something that says to pay for an article. Do not pay for articles. Just go back and click on the "Your Journals@Ovid" link. Just make sure that the articles you are using are written by nurses. Some articles inside these journals could be written by doctors or pharmacists. Look at the authors name and see what their credentials are (for example: RN or MSN or DPN, something like that). You can save, print, or email the articles.
ProQuest Health Research Premium Collection -- [Full text | ProQuest]
Provides access to health, medical, nursing, psychology and public health journals, evidence-based resources, and full-text dissertations.
Provides over 36 million citations from journals, books, etc... Includes limits for evidence based practice. Under filters on left side, find "Article Type" and choose Meta-Analysis, Randomized Controlled Trial, and Systematic Reviews. Limit your dates also.
Online Nursing and Allied Health Journals
Provides access to online individual health journal subscriptions available at EPCC.
If your instructor ever asks you to find a magazine or a journal, you might be wondering, What is the difference?
You may find that a database only provides a citation but not the full-text article. To find out if we own the full-text article on another database or in print, click on the link below for publication finder: