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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

Career Resources: Searching for eBooks

How to use the library to find resources on your career.

Searching for EBSCO eBooks

eBooks are electronic books that can be read online.

To search for eBooks on your career, go to the library homepage:

  1. Click on "eBook Collection."
  2. Under EBSCO eBooks click on eBook Academic Collection or eBook Collection     
  3. You will be asked to enter your MyEPCC login and password.
  4. The eBook search page will open.
  5. At the top of the page are multiple search boxes.
  6. Enter your search terms in the search box.
  7. Click on "Search."
  8. You will retrieve a listing of eBooks that match your search terms.
  9. Click on the title of the book to see all of the information about the book.
  10. Click on "PDF Full Text" (left side) to read the book.

Salem eBooks on Careers

Salem eBooks are electronic books published by Salem Publishing.

To access:

  1. Go to the library homepage:
  2. Click on "eBook Collection."
  3. Click on "Salem eBook Collection."
  4. Login with MyEPCC login and password 
  5. View the books listed under the "Careers" heading.

Examples:  Careers Outdoors, Careers in Human Services, Careers in Financial Services, Careers in Chemistry, etc.

You can also put words in the search box to see what is available on your topic.

eBook Search Suggestions

For topics on careers, try using the following search terms:

  • Career Name
  • Career Name
    • and Careers
    • and Vocational Guidance
    • and Salary
    • and Employment
    • and Study and Teaching
    • and Education
    • and Occupation
    • and Training
    • and Benefits
    • and Trends


When you search for an eBook,  a listing of titles is retrieved.  Click on any of the titles to view the information about the book including the most relevant pages that match the words you entered in the search box.

Use the arrows at the bottom of the eBook page to turn the page forward or back.

Look at the Table of Contents and Indexes on the left side of the search page to jump ahead to a relevant section of the book.

If you like one of the books, you can download the book.  You will be required to create an account, but the book will download to your computer or Kindle, Apple, or Android devices.  You may need to download a free reader in order to view the book on your device.  The book will check out to your for 1-3 days and will check itself back in when the time is due.

You can also print a select number of pages of the book.  You cannot print the entire book due to Copyright protection.

If you select a book and a red x appears, it is currently being used by another patron.



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