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Topic: Carceral Geography in El Paso, Texas: Home

Creating Sound Walks to Experience Disappeared Histories: through interdisciplinary/archival research and embodied mapping.

Carceral Geography in El Paso, TX: Creating Sound Walks to Experience Disappeared Histories
Is a project funded by The Mellon Humanities Collaborative at El Paso Community College- The University of Texas at El Paso, 2021-2022. Our interdisciplinary research project investigates the history of carceral geography in El Paso, TX through archival research and embodied mapping, leading to the creation of audio walking guides accessible to the public. Carceral geography is a lens on architectures and social relationships that are disappeared or displaced within neoliberal systems of incarceration, raising the question— how can we see that which is disappeared?
This Library Guide is designed as a research tool that can be used in connection with the Soundwalks at We encourage student researchers to experience the Soundwalk as an embodied opportunity to generate research questions, a starting point for investigation. 
While walking the route, what did you begin to wonder? What points of confusion sparked questions? Where did you notice your attention and curiosity drawn towards?
Consider using the resources on Carceral Geography, Im/mobility and Research Process to deepen your investigations of the Soundwalk routes in El Paso. Or use the resources on Documentary Poetry, Audio Art, Walking Projects and Psychogeography to develop your own walking routes as a form of investigating place. 
This project is led by El Paso Community College faculty fellow Honora Spicer ( The materials of this library guide were prepared by UTEP Masters student in History Adam Heywood, in collaboration with undergraduate research fellows Tatiana Rodriguez, Rebekah Patnode and Saul Fontes.


Welcome to the EPCC's History Research LibGuide for Carceral Geography in El Paso, TX: Creating Sound Walks to Experience Disappeared Histories. This LibGuide will show you how to use the library to find the information resources you need to do your research assignments, how to critically appraise the found information, organize it and cite it.

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Library Research Process - by Lorely Ambriz, NW Librarian

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Lorely Ambriz
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