When you are ready to begin searching, the Libraries have a resource called the EBSCO Discovery Services that allows you to search for books, ebooks, journals, magazines, newspapers, and more all at the same time.
You might even get a research starter at the top of your search that gives you an overview of your topic: Example: Cello
Read below for more information on how to search and use limits to get the sources you need.
To search for books and articles at the same time, you can use the EBSCO Discovery Service.
1. Go to library webpage: www.epcc.edu/services/libraries Find the search box under EBSCO Discovery Service.
2. Put your keywords in the search box. Don’t put an entire sentence. Just put a few words to start with and then add more words if needed.
3. Enter Keywords, then hit Search. (Click on the guest access at the top of the screen and log in to your MyEPCC account).
4. Limits: On the left side, you can limit search to source type such as eBooks, Scholarly Journals, Magazines, etc... You can also limit dates.
6. Click on the article or book you would like to view.
7. If it is an electronic book it will give you a pdf file of the book that you can click and read.
8. If it is an article, it will also give you a pdf of the article that you can click and read. These you can save, print, or e-mail if you like.
9. You can also click on the "cite" button to see how to cite the source using different styles.