Business Source Complete [Full Text | Ebsco ]
Includes the full-text of Business periodicals, Financial Data, Company Profiles, Books, Book Digests, Conference Proceedings, Case Studies, Investment Research Reports, Industry Reports, Market Research Reports, & Country Reports.
Limit your results to “Full Text.”
If you are looking for information about a specific company, click on the “Company Information” tab then type in the name of the company. You will get great detailed information including a SWOT (company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) report.
NexisUni [Full Text | LexisNexis® ]
Click on "Company Information” to search by company name to retrieve a detailed company overview, current news, mergers & acquisitions, analyst reports, SEC Filings, Legal, Patents, Trademarks and more.
Regional Business News [Full Text | Ebsco ]
Find articles from over 80 business magazines, newspapers and newswires from metropolitan and rural areas in the United States.
Limit to “Linked Full Text.”
Small Business Reference Center [Full Text | Ebsco ]
Hundreds of Nolo how-to books on business and legal aspects
100s of business lecture videos from the Harvard School of Business
Start-up kits and sample business plans.
Articles have some overlap with Business Source Complete but also many trade journals unique to this database.
Academic OneFile [Full Text | Gale ]
To find company information, use a Subject or Subject Guide search. The Subject Guide search will break down your results by subcategories like “aims & objectives,” “analysis,” “Company forecasts,” “company sales & earnings,” etc.”
To find other types of business information, you can use a Subject Guide, Subject or Keyword search. The Keyword search will let you type in individual terms on different lines, and only find articles that contain both terms.
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