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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

Respiratory Therapy: MICROMEDEX

This guide provides a listing of library resources good for Respiratory Therapy topics.


MICROMEDEX is a great database that provides Evidence Based information on Drugs and Diseases.  Evidence means that there is research to support the information in this database.

To find this database:

  1. Go to the library homepage:
  2. Click on Online Databases.
  3. Click on Health and Medicine.
  4. Scroll down the list to MICROMEDEX and click on it.
  5. Enter your MyEPCC username and password.
  6. Once you are on the MICROMEDEX page you can click on any of the links at the top of the page or you can use the search box to search for drugs or diseases.

Search Box

Use the search box to enter the name of a drug or disease.  It will provide you with detailed information.

For Drugs it provides:

  • Dosing for adults and pediatrics
  • FDA and Non-FDA Approved Uses
  • Administration
  • Safety
  • Contraindications, 
  • Adverse Effects
  • Black Box Warnings
  • Drug Interactions
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • Patient Education
  • Toxicology
  • Drug Storage and Properties


Drug Interactions

Drug Interactions allows you to add many medications and even allergies to a search database that will compare them to each other and notify you of any interactions between them.

  1. Enter your medication on the left side and then select the correct one.
  2. Then use the arrows to add it to the "Drugs to Check" box. 
  3. There is also an "Add Allergies" tab that you can click on to add to the box.
  4. Then click on Submit to see if there are any interactions. 

This will also provide interactions with food, alcohol, tobacco, and warnings for pregnancy and lactation.


IV Compatibility

IV Compatibility allows you to check if there are any problems with mixing drugs together in a syringe, bottle, or tubing.  Problems can include precipitation, gas formation, haze, cloudiness, and potency changes.

It will provide results with common solutions, Y site, Admixture, syringe, and TPN/TNA.

You can enter drug name(s) and solution and then click on View Compatibility.


Drug Comparison

Compare the drug information for different drugs side by side for comparison.

Enter your medication in the search box and then click on the one you want.

Use the arrows to move into the "Drugs to Check" box.

Then when done, click on "Submit."


Mobile Apps

MICROMEDEX provides Apps that you can download to your device.

  1. Once you are on the MICROMEDEX page, look at the top right of the page.
  2. Click on "Micromedex Native Mobile Apps."
  3. Follow the directions.  The login information is found there.
  4. You can download apps for drug reference, interactions, and IV Compatibility.  
  5. You can also download apps for Neofax and Pediatrics.  

Drug ID

Drug ID allows you to enter the imprint (or partial imprint) from one or both sides of a drug to identify it.  If there is no ID or it is not readable you can also enter shape and color of the pill.

Enter side 1 and side 2 if available.  Checkmark "partial imprint" if not complete.

If you do not have an imprint, you can click on "Click here to search by description."

You can enter color, shape and/or pattern.

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