Book by a Single Author:
Ramont, R. P. (2012). Comprehensive nursing care (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson.
Book by Two to Seven Authors:
Landrum, R.E. & Davis, S. F. (2010). The psychology major: Career options and
strategies for success. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.
An Article in a Reference Book with No Author:
Licensed practical nurses. (2011). In Encyclopedia of careers and vocational
guidance (15th Ed., Vol. 4, pp. 185-188). Chicago, IL: Ferguson Publishing.
An Article in a Reference Book with an Author:
Wexler, B. (2006). Liver function tests. In The gale encyclopedia of nursing and
allied health (2nd Ed., Vol. 3, pp. 1582-1586). Detroit, MI: Gale.
Lucas, R. W. (2003). Creative training idea book: Inspired tips and techniques for
engaging and effective rearning. AMACOM Books. Retrieved from
Online Magazine Article:
Sanburn, J. (2011, December). Getting yours. Time, 178(24).
Retrieved from
Online Journal Article:
White, E. (1987). Projected changes in breast cancer incidence due to the trend
toward delayed childbearing. American Journal Of Public Health, 77(4), 495-
497. Retrieved from
Online Journal Article with DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Andrén-Sandberg, Å. (2011). Pancreatic cancer: Animal model and molecular
biology. North American Journal Of Medical Sciences, 3(10), 441-450.
CareerOneStop. (nd.). Occupation profile: Respiratory therapist. In
CareerOneStop. Retrieved from
Watson, K. What is a respiratory therapist? (2017, March 15). Retrieved from
Some quick hints about APA citations:
Authors names are Last Name, First and Middle Initials. Do not use the whole first or middle name.
Only the first letter or proper names in the title of the item is capitalized. You also capitalize the first letter that occurs after punctuation such as a colon, question mark or exclamation point in the title.
If the book has an editor rather than an author, put (Ed.) after the author's name.
Italicize titles.
If the citation is more than one line, indent the rest of the lines.
The APA Social Media Blog provides many examples to several Social Media sites.