Search these E-Book collections. Give one or all a try!
Bloom's Literary Criticism eBook Collection - More than 1,050 eBooks rich with relevant content on core authors and works, multicultural classics, contemporary literature, and more. Owned by the EPCC Libraries. *NEW*
Bloom's Literary Criticism eBook Collection
Credo Reference - Background information on your topic from hundreds of full-text encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles.
EBSCO eBooks - Over 261,000 full-text eBooks, available from 1800 to the present, in two collections.
eBook Academic Collection [unlimited number of users to eBook titles]
eBook Collection [usually limited to one user per eBook title]
Gumdrop Books- provides access to educational, illustrated children's books in Spanish on a variety of topics.
GOGO e-Books -- [Full Text] *NEW*
LibraryPass - provides access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from a variety of library-friendly publishers.
Comics Plus - Create an Account *NEW*
Comics Plus - Login to Your Account *NEW*
ProQuest Ebook Central - TexShare subscription that offers ebooks from trusted publishers in all academic subject areas.
Salem Press Online Books - Provides searchable full text for EPCC owned books from Salem Press (Enter keywords in the Search Box to search all of the books at once or click on Individual Book Titles).
Updated: 10/5/2023
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