This guide has links to sites of electronic copies of original documents, facsimiles, photographs and maps. Created originally by Erin Cassidy, Newton Grisham Library at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX.
In addition to those listed below, you may find several more collections and pieces from the New Deal period in the Library of Congress list of New Deal Program resources.
Approximately 250 photos document FERA contruction and labor projects in Washington State in the 1930s, under Roosevelt's New Deal. (Univ. of Washington)
Translated primary documents and secondary sources (including video interviews with scholars of Eastern European Studies and case studies of specific events) explore the 1980s eventsthat culminated in the end of communist rule in Eastern Europe in 1989. Represents a variety of perspectives relevant to the final collapse of communist control. (George Mason Univ.)
Over 10,000 historical audio recordings from the early 20th century (approximately 1900-1929). Browse by genre, performer, audience, or other characteristics. Instantly stream the music on your computer. Build custom playlists. (Library of Congress)