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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

ENGL 1302 - Composition II (Gloria Estrada): Print Books

Use this guide to help you find library resources for your research paper.

Ebsco EDS Portal

The Ebsco Discovery Service allows you to search for books, audio-visual materials and articles from one search portal!

Search for books, articles, DVDs & more...

You can search thousands of books, eBooks, videos, journal articles, magazine articles and more!

Classic Catalog

Keyword searches look for resources using any words that describe your topic.

Make a list of words that refer to your topic.

Put one word in the search box and search and see what you get. (Example: Brain Based Learning, Identity Theft, Voter Rights)

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Did you know that you can request a book from another campus?

Just fill out a form at your campus library and it will be sent to your campus. (Takes a few days to arrive.)

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