El Paso Community College Library Online Catalog
Our online catalog is used to search for books, videos (DVD's & VHS), and other material housed at EPCC libraries.
Keyword Search
Use a keyword search to find information on certain "keywords" associated with your search. For example if you are looking for "Latino immigration issues in the United States." Try a keyword search like immigration, border communities, Latino immigration.
You may also use the advance search to narrow and/or limit your search results. For example if you are looking for "information on the Chicano movement during the 1970's," try an advance keyword search like "Chicano movement AND History."
Subject Search
Use a subject search to find information on certain subject areas associated with your search. For example if you are looking for information on the "United Farm Workers struggle in the United States," then try searching for "United Farm Workers."
Subject Search is also good for when searching for famous persons, like "Dolores Huerta," (type last name, then first name).
Title Search
Title search is used to search for a title of a book. Just type in the title and the system will let you know whether or not we carry that book.
Author Search
An author search allows you to search for books written by an author. Remember to type the authors name in this order (last name, then first name).