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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

RNSG 2213: Mental Health Nursing: Home

Provides information on finding resources for Mental Health Nursing.

Handout for RNSG 2213

Searching for Mental Health Nursing Articles

When you need to find a Mental Health Nursing article on any topic, we have access to a great Nursing Journal called:  Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services.

To access this journal:

  1. Go to the  EPCC Libraries Homepage
  2. Click on Online Databases
  3. Click on Alphabetical Listing
  4. Click on Publication Finder
  5. You will login with your MyEPCC sign on information
  6. Enter the title: Journal of Psychosocial Nursing
  7. Click on search
  8. When the title comes up, click on it.
  9. Then you will see two options, click on Nursing and Allied Health database
  10. When it opens, if you have a topic you can enter it in the search box. it will give you all articles from that topic though so you need to limit your search to the years you can use.
  11. Or you can look issue by issue to see what articles are available on various mental health topics
  12. You do that by scrolling to the section that says Choose an issue to View
  13. Then you can look at the current issue that is on the main page or change the year and month of issue to see previous issues. Then you can just browse and see what there is.
  14. Each article should have a full text pdf available for you to click on and view.

You can also access the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services on your mobile phone by scanning this QR code with your camera.  You will just need to login with your MyEPCC login and password when prompted.


QR Code for Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services


Welcome to the EPCC Libguide for

RNSG 2213


college students studying


This libguide will show you how to use the library to find the resources you need for your topics.

Click on the tabs and pull-down menus across the top when you are ready to get started.

If you don't find what you need or want some extra help, click on the "Get Help" tab to contact us. 

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Kristin Sanchez (RG)
Rio Grande Library

National Institute of Mental Health

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