Welcome to the EPCC's Research Gu for Mr. Daniel Vaquez - English 2322 British Literature Survey: Anglo-Saxon to the 18th Century (C) courses at the Canutillo High School / Northwest Campus.
This guide will show you how to use the library to find the resources you need to write your Research Paper assignment.
Click on the tabs and pull-down menus across the top to explore the different resources available.
If you are not able to find what you need or require additional assistance, please contact a librarian at the Northwest Reference Desk Librarian Lorely Ambriz at email lambriz@epcc.edu or (915) 831-8886.
EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) allows you to search multiple databases and the Library Catalog from a single search box. Results may include articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals; books; and e-books.