Sometimes your teacher will place instructional materials or a copy of the class textbook on reserve at the library. These materials are not for checkout, and can only be used in the library.
Step 1: You’ll use the Classic Catalog for this search:
Step 2: You can search by the Course (this is different from the course section) or Faculty (the instructor’s name).
Let’s run a faculty search. Selecting the faculty tab, I typed in my instructor’s last name, Moreno, into the search box. Then click search.
Step 3: The results page listed instructors with the last name Moreno. You can check your course schedule/syllabus to see what their first name is, and also select by campus. I see my instructor is listed twice, and it seems she teaches at two EPCC campuses. I attend the Valle Verde campus, so I will select the one with VV in the list.
Step 4: In the results page we see that this professor has put one book on reserve. I check my syllabus or notes to see if this is the book title I need.
Step 5: Now that I know this title is available, I will ask to borrow it at the Reserves section of the Valle Verde campus library (It’s right next to the Circulation Desk).
Created by A.M. 8/29/2018