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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

Origami: Home

Provides information on history, application, organizations, artists and how to fold beginning origami designs

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Hello folding buddies, 

You have reached the libguide for origami. All you need is origami paper purchased online.  After shopping around I've found that the least expensive paper is on Amazon. Find a flat surface, a table or desk, with your computer and click on the tabs to see a video of the object you want to fold. 1000 sheets will last a "long"  time and give you hours of happy folding. 

I have learned what I know by watching and studying videos on YouTube. This is the way I do it: I watch the video from beginning to end and then take it a step at a time stopping to fold and also sliding the progression bar back to watch the steps again. I have links to the YouTube videos in the libguide, many of which you will learn in class, so you can repeat it at home with your paper. 

Search for your own videos. The best way to find the appropriate level is to search, for example, EASY origami animals, EASY origami hearts, EASY dollar origami, if you have US paper currency :), EASY origami flowers, and etc.   Also, the shorter the video, the better, when first learning. It takes patience and persistence to learn something new so don't give up, just take a break.    

Practice makes perfect: just like practicing a sport, learning to play a musical instrument, learning a new language, and even training a dog! After all, I folded 1000 paper cranes over the pandemic and tried each time to make it better. 

Hope this helps!   Sarah

Origami paper box

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