Very comprehensive tutorial on learning about the Internet. The tutorial is broken down in several modules with video clips and information on search engines, searching the internet and internet safety. (GCF Learn Free)
Beginning Internet - Four Session Classes
Comprehensive course on the internet giving practice examples and activities to learn how to search, popular search engines and websites, and internet security. Produced by St. Paul Public Library. When you complete this module, you will be ready for the Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment - Internet Module.
Internet Curriculum (Technology Literacy Collaborative - Minnesota)
Several courses related to Internet topics that can be downloaded. Topics covered include basic Internet, Google searching, Google maps, and Internet safety.
Wonderful site that has links to tutorials, guides, demos and information for aging and disabled computer users.
Links to 51 Google videos on specific "How tos" on the computer. Includes searching on the Internet, email issues, transfer files, manage photos, chat, etc.
Email BasicsThis tutorial will teach you the basics of email, including understanding how email works, where you get email service from, and how you communicate properly and safely online. (GCF Learn Free)
Email (Technology Literacy Collaborative / Minnesota)
This document gives you step-by-step instructions on using email. It includes sending and receiving email, sending an attachment and spam email.
This document gives you step-by-step instructions on setting up an email. Has links to other sites relating to email. (BBC)
Gmail is a popular web-based email service provided by Google. Learn the basics of how to compose, send, and respond to emails, then explore Gmail's features for managing your email and accessing it from your mobile device. (GCF Learn Free)
Email Downloads (Technology Literacy Collaborative / Minnesota)
This site has many email related sites that provide lots of examples and practice.
A list of basic computer and internet terms from NIH.