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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

Health Professions and Related Sciences: Searching for eBooks

Resources to support research in health professions and related sciences

Searching for eBooks


eBooks are electronic books that can be read online.

To search for eBooks on your topic, go to the library webpage:

  1. Click on "eBook Collection."
  2. There are different ebook collections to choose from.
  3. Try eBook Academic Collection
  4. You will need to login with your MyEPCC login/password.
  5. The eBook search page will open.
  6. At the top of the page are multiple search boxes.
  7. You can search by keyword, title, author, or subject or on the side under "Browse by Category".
  8. Enter your search terms in the search box and then click on the pull-down arrow next to "Select a Field."
  9. Select the type of search you are using. (Hint: If you are searching by keyword, just leave the "Select a Field" box alone or you can select "Text.")
  10. Click on "Search."
  11. You will retrieve a listing of eBooks that match your search terms.
  12. Click on the title of the book to see all of the information about the book.
  13. Click on "PDF full text" to read the book.
  14. You can use the arrows at the bottom of the book to turn the pages.  You can also use the chapters on the left side to go forward in the book to a specific section.


Search these E-Book collections.  Give one or all a try!


EBSCO eBooks - Over 261,000 full-text eBooks available from 1800 to the present in two collections.

eBook Academic Collection                   [unlimited number of users to eBook titles]

eBook Collection                                          [usually limited to one user per eBook title]


ProQuest Ebook Central - eBooks from trusted publishers in all academic subject areas

ProQuest Ebook Central                         


Salem Press Online Books - Provides searchable full text for EPCC owned books from Salem Press (Enter keywords in the Search Box to search all of the books at once or click on Individual Book Titles).

Great for Health and Career Information:

Salem Press eBook Collection           


Updated: October 5, 2021


When you search for an eBook,  a listing of titles is retrieved.  Click on any of the titles to view the information about the book including the most relevant pages that match the words you entered in the search box.

Use the arrows at the bottom of the eBook page to turn the page forward or back.

Look at the Table of Contents and Indexes on the left side of the search page to jump ahead to a relevant section of the book.

If you like one of the books, you can download or e-mail the book.  You can also print a select number of pages of the book.  You cannot print the entire book due to Copyright protection.  To do some of these services you may be required to create a free account.






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