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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

EDUC 1300 - Learning Framework (Daniel Vasquez): Writing Center Services

EPCC Writing Centers Online Help

image of edited writingThe EPCC Writing Center's mission aims to provide quality one-on-one writing assistance.  Writing center tutors seek to inspire academic, professional, and personal growth in all writers. Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the surrounding community are invited to submit assignments during any stage of the writing process. The writing center creates an accessible learning environment in order to help the EPCC community learn, improve, and gain confidence in their writing skills. It fosters engagement with faculty who assign and evaluate writing assignments through collaboration and innovative pedagogical resources. The EPCC Virtual Writing Center's vision is to be a leading student resource for writing and literacy education in the El Paso community.

Northwest Writing Center

EPCC Northwest Campus Writing Center 

1.    Make sure your essay is in a Microsoft Word document.
2.    Email document to WCNW@EPCC.EDU at least 24 hours before it is due, along with the following: 

-    Your name
-    Student ID Number
-    Course name/number and Instructor's Name
-    Assignment instructions and prompt
-    Any questions you would like to have addressed in the comments

3. Please allow up to 2-3 business days to receive an email back with a screen recorded video of a virtual tutoring session. If you would like an annotated document as well, please specify in your email. For more help, you may schedule a virtual live session with one of our tutors ... just follow the first two steps and be sure to request a live session in your email message. 

For hour of operation or to connect virtually to a writing center tutor please visit 

Northwest Writing Center Flyer

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