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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

HIST 1301 and 1302 (Dr. Josh Hevert): Home


Welcome to the EPCC's Research LibGuide for Dr. Josh Hevert 's for U.S History courses at the Northwest Campus.

This LibGuide will show you how to use the library to find the resources you need to fullfill your Media Analysis Paper assignment. 

Click on the tabs and pull-down menus across the top to explore the different resources available.

If you are not able to find what you need or require additional assistance, please contact a librarian at the Northwest Reference Desk at (915) 831-8886 email




Dr. Melissa Esmacher's U.S. & World History Courses' e-Reserves

EBSCO Discovery Service

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) allows you to search multiple databases and the Library Catalog from a single search box. Results may include articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals; books; and e-books.

Search for books, articles, DVDs & more...

U.S. World History Time Periods

HIST 1301: U.S. History to 1877

The Colonial Era (1492-1775)

The American Revolution (1776-1783)

The Early Republic (1776 -1783)

The Antebellum Era (1831-1860)

The Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877)

HIST 1302: U.S. History since 1877

The Gilded Age (1870-1900)

The Progressive Era and World War I (1900-1920)

The Roaring Twenties (1920-1929)

The Great Depression (1929-1941)

World War II (1941-1945)

The Early Cold War (1946-1960)

The Turbulent Sixties (1960-1969)

The “Me” Decade (1970-1979)

The Eighties and the End of the Cold War (1980-1991)

The Nineties (1992-2001)

The Dawn of a New Era (2001-Present)

HIST 2321: World History to 1500

Human Evolution through the Iron Age (through 500 BCE)

The Classical Era (500 BCE-500 CE)

The Medieval Period (500-1500 CE)

HIST 2322: World History from 1500

The Early Modern Era (1500-1800 CE)

The Nineteenth Century (1800-1900)

The Early Twentieth Century (1901-1939)

World War II (1939-1945)

The Cold War (1946-1993)

The Recent Past (1994-Present)

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