Did you know? There are, currently, 574 federally recognized tribes in the USA.
Below, you will find a list of government, organizational, and other sources about Indigenous peoples in North America and their tribal histories.
This list is a work in progress. Central and South American sources and info to follow.
Research tips: In general, using a web search engine's search box, these search terms usually work to filter out specific types of websites from commercial and other types of websites.
For looking up sources published by the Mexican government, type in site:.gob.mx along with your search term/s, for example:
danzas indígenas Site:.gob.mx
To look up government sources in the U.S.A. , type in source:.gov along with your search term/s.
To look up organizational sources in the U.S.A. , type in source:.org along with your search term/s.
To look up education sources in the U.S.A. , type in source:.edu along with your search term/s.
Please note: Links break. Please use the source info to look up articles in the library catalog if link is broken.
Research terms suggestion: "Texas; Indigeneous peoples of the Americas"