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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

ARTS 1301 - Art Appreciation (Carlos Sullivan): Home

Accompanying guide to Final Project of Inhabiting the Artist for Mr. Sullivan's classes.

Purpose of this Guide

  • Teach steps and strategies to gather information on biography, style of art, and chosen piece.  Use databases and curated art websites. 
  • Look for and download at least three images
  • If you are using a suggested artist from the Inhabiting the Artist handout, Mr. Sullivan gave you the artistic style which you can use as a search term.  Using the phrase  "criticism and interpretation" is also helpful with the artist's name. 
  • Cite them in MLA format.  Consider using NoodleTools citing software or Purdue Owl.
  • See assignment in Blackboard for complete details. 


Search JSTOR by artist name to browse images of their work.  Find scholarly articles on their work and style.  Example:  Van gogh AND "starry night"  or Kandinsky AND "abstract expressionism".  

SAVE or EMAIL or PRINT article with citation in MLA style.  Optional: export to  Noodle Tools to save your citations and print bibliographies

Search steps

KEYWORD SEARCH your artist in Ebsco Discovery Service to see biographical information and links to articles and books on their style and work. 

Hint: Click on ADVANCED SEARCH to limit your search to subject, author, and other possibilities. 

Hint for print books: If your painting is mentioned inside the book, you may not find that fact online, but you can find it by checking the index in the back of the book and/or do a google books search and see if there are preview pages on your painting (or if it's a book we have at our libraries but didn't come up in your first search)


- add the title of the painting, or the style of work, motif, technique etc. 

-add the keyword:  criticism  (to find works that analyze someone's work)

SAVE or EMAIL or PRINT article with citation in MLA style.  Optional: use Noodle Tools to save your citations and print bibliographies

EBSCO Discovery Service

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) allows you to search multiple databases and the Library Catalog from a single search box. Results may include articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals; books; and e-books.

Search for books, articles, DVDs & more...

Tools for Citing

Comprehensive Art Sites

Use this customized google search box to search librarian curated art sites below. 

Off Campus Access

​Login when you are off campus by using your account and password.  You can move from database to database and stay logged in.

If you are In EDS (Ebsco Discovery Service) and haven't logged in yet, click on the words “hello guest” in the green bar at the top of the page and login.


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