Welcome to the El Paso Community College Library distance education guide.
Here you will find a great number of library sources to use for all your research projects. Click on the tabs above to get started.
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Online Library Instruction
Online Library Instruction is available upon request of instructional faculty for all disciplines and campuses. EPCC instructors may request virtual library instruction for their online classes. A librarian will guide students through the basic research process and introduce them to available online library resources. Sessions can be synchronous or asynchronous and library instruction can be customized for specific assignments.
Modalities available for virtual library instruction:
• Synchronous: Virtual instruction can be synchronous, offered in real time. All students, instructor and librarian are together in one virtual room interacting. Using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.
• Asynchronous: a librarian can provide materials that you can post on your Blackboard for students to access at any time: Such as, pre-record a video or provide your students with information through a LibGuide. District wide librarians will do their best to ensure that posted materials are accessible (e.g., videos will be captioned). Materials posted can remain in your course shell for the rest of the semester.
• Embedded librarian: A librarian can be enroll in your Blackboard course in the Teaching Assistant role for the reminder of the semester to provide instruction covering library research skills synchronous, asynchronous or a mix of both. The librarian will only post what she/he has discussed and confirmed with the instructor. To schedule online library instruction please email your Head Librarian:
Northwest Lorely Ambriz lambriz@epcc.edu
Mission del Paso Norma Ballenger nkoube@epcc.edu
Rio Grande Kristin Sanchez gsanc127@epcc.edu
Valle Verde Oscar Baeza obaeza1@epcc.edu
Transmountain Carlos Humphreys chumphr6@epcc.edu
Dual Credit/Early College Diana Olivares dolivar5@epcc.edu