Aldarete, Isaac "Ike" ward boss
Coleman, Ronald Long term congressman in US and TX state houses, pivotal in the creation of the Franklin Mountains State Park along with Humberto "Tati" Santiesteban (see below)
De La O, Chuy political hero, supporter of the poor and impoverished.
Most of the research will be in newspaper articles and interviews with people who knew him.
El Paso Times & El Paso Herald-Post Newspaper ArchiveThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Coverage: 1881 - current.
Hervey, Fred Mayor (1951-55 & 1973-75), founder of Circle K chain.
Margo, Dee former mayor of El Paso and many other civic endeavors
Dee Margo2015 inductee into El Paso Historical Society Hall of Honor.
McAlmon, George Democratic County Chairman and proponent of civil rights and social services.
Miranda, Rene Mascarenas Municipal President of Ciudad Juárez from 1956-1959
Moreno, Paul State Representative from El Paso
Najera, Manuel TX legislator from the Lower Valley, responsible for Loco's Law against animal cruelty, US Customs officer and Alheimer's advocate
Pedraza, Miguel Sr. (1904-1988) governor of the Tigua Indians
Rosa, Mauro 1925-1993 First Latino State Representative from El Paso in Austin
Sanchez, Rogelio 1921-2006 Nine time County Commissioner representing the Lower Valley.
Santiesteban, Humberto Tati Mexican American State Senator and Congressman from El Paso 1967-1991.
Shapleigh, Eliot Former Texas State Senator
Williams, Bert Mayor of El Paso who stood up to ASARCO and improved public housing
Forty Minutes of Hell : the extraordinary life of Nolan RichardsonCall Number: at EPCC Libraries
ISBN: 9780061690464
pp. 29-31 tell the story of Bert Williams witnessing discrimination while trying to eat at a restaurant with Nolan Richardson and how it led to El Paso's official desegregation in law, the first major city in the Old Confederaccy to do so.