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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

General Information Literacy & Library Use: EPCC Libraries Page

This library guide was created to assist students in general research and information-literacy skills. This guide covers a variety of topics, such as the EPCC library page, citing, database use, Internet use, and social/video media.

How Can Your Librarian Help You?

During your collegiate career, a librarian can you you in a variety of ways:


  • A librarian can guide you to the proper resources for doing MLA/APA/Chicago citations, research papers, and annotated bibliographies.
  • A librarian can explain the different types of resources you will be required to use in classroom settings (contemporary, primary, secondary, academic, etc.).
  • A librarian will carefully show you how to access online databases and explain how they are used and the several features available.
  • A librarian can explain the fancy terminology used in research.
  • A librarian can guide you towards the proper resources for any general school-related needs. 
  • A librarian can help you understand the process in identifying the credibility of the resources you need for class.


A librarian can assist and offer help in many other ways; if we do not have an answer to your question, we will do our best to direct you towards the proper resources or find you a solution to your immediate question.

The Importance of the Libraries Page and Reference Librarian! (Must Watch)

This video will help you recognize how exactly your librarian can help you and why the Libraries Page is important to access.

Get Connected

The virtual reference desk works similar to walking into your El Paso Community College Campus and asking your neighborhood librarian for research or school-related assistance. Simply select get connected within the Libraries Page to access a librarian more than willing to help you with your needs.


Why Should I Care About the Libraries Page

El Paso Community College's Libraries Page gives you access to:

  • Online databases (resources that are more reliable than the Internet)
  • Citation Assistance (APA/MLA/Chicago)
  • Virtual Reference Assistance (Live)
  • Ebook access (full access to electronic books)
  • Helpful tools/links to make classes easier
  • And more!

What Else Does Your Library Offer You (Printing, Textbooks, Study Rooms, Etc.)?

EPCC Web site || EPCC Libraries Web Site || EPCC Library Catalog
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