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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

KINESIOLOGY: Articles/Databases

This guide will direct you to book and article research resources for Kinesiology topics.

Online Databases

Database Collections

EBSCO Databases

Search over 50 databases at the same time. Steps:

1. Click on Ebsco Databases

2. Click on EBSCOhost Web - All databases (it's the first option on the screen.)

3.  Click in the box in front of .  This puts checkmarks in front of all the database names.

4. Click the yellow Continue button.

5. Near the middle of the next screen, on the left hand side, there is a "Limit your results" option.  Click in the box under "Full Text."

Limit your results

Now the box will have a checkmark in it, as above.

6.  Type in your search terms!

a. Type in kinesiology in the first box, and change the search type from "Select a Field" to "SU Subject Terms."


b.  Then put another search term in the second box. For this second box, change the search type from "Select a Field" to "SU Subject Terms." (I've listed some sample search terms in the box to the right.  You can use any term you like, the terms in the box are just some examples.)


HOWEVER, if you don't get enough results, then change the search type in the second box back to "Select a Field."


c. Also, you can always add a third term in the next box if you get too many results.


7.  If you press the green Search button now, you will get magazine articles, newspaper articles, and professional journal articles. 

If you wished, you could limit your results to  professional journals.  If you want to do this, scroll down to the "Limit" section again, and this time checkmark "Scholarly (Peer Review) Journals."  Then after you press the Search button, your results will all be articles from journals.






Online databases are available 24 hours a day.

Online Databases are available from any computer with Internet access.  Just click on "Off Campus Access" next to any of the database names.  Use your my.epcc.login credentials.

Remember, what you see on the left is only a selection of our databases.  For the full list of databases, click on "Online Databases," below.

Online Databases


Sample Terms to Add to Your Kinesiology Subject Search


motor ability

motor ability in children

movement disorders

movement education

psychology of movement

stretch physiology

cognitive development

physical activity research

physical education psychological aspects

physical education teachers

muscle contraction

muscles analysis

musculoskeletal system

rectus abdominis muscles

blind experiment 

randomized controlled trials


taping & strapping






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