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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

Teachership Library: Procedures & Instructions

TA Library Procedures

TA Library Procedures

  1. The Teachership Academy Library is only open during TA sessions once a month.
  2. TA material will be available for members to browse during our monthly TA session.
  3. TA members will be allowed to check out material once a month at the TA gathering.  Material is due at the next TA session.
  4. EPCC ID # is required for you to check out books.
  5. TA participants are responsible for the material they check out.

Please be considerate of your fellow TA members and bring back material when it is due.

TA Library Instructions

 Librarything Instructions

I.  Enter URL: to search for Teachership Academy (TA) library material. This link can also be found under our TA       website or under the TA libguide.

II.  When you open the page you will see a list of materials available.

III.  Material is only available for the TA cohort.

IV.   Books may be arranged in alphabetical order by title and author. Material may also be arranged in numerical order by call number and date entered.

      a.      Click on title of book (to see full record)

      b.      Many records link to World Catalog AKA World Cat, this allows you to see a full record of the title. Many records will have a review, world wide library                locations and other great information.

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