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El Paso Community College
Library Research Guides

Valle Verde Library - Summary of Collections, Guidelines/Practices, and Services: Services to Patrons with Disabilities


Please notify us if you have a disability and need special accommodations or assistance. The libraries will make every effort to facilitate the use of the resources available.

It is highly recommended that patrons who may require assistance in an emergency inform the circulation staff upon entering the library.


  • Accessible Restrooms
  • Wheelchair-compatible tables
  • Wheelchair-compatible computer stations
  • Wheelchair- compatible study carrels



If you need help communicating or reading, please bring an assistant if extensive use of resources is anticipated. 

Private Research Consultations

Currently registered E.P.C.C. students may make an appointment for a one-to-one library tour/orientation. Currently registered E.P.C.C. students may also schedule a one-on-one consultation with a librarian for assistance for in-depth research (more than 10 minutes). This is done by appointment. Please call the Reference Desk 915-831-2442.

Retrieval of Materials from the Stacks

If you find that library stacks or other areas are inaccessible, ask for assistance from the library staff. If immediate assistance cannot be provided, you may give the Circulation staff a list (in person or over the phone) of up to 5 titles (call numbers included) located at our library.  The items will be retrieved within 24 hours and placed on the Circulation Desk hold shelf.


At the Valle Verde Library, patrons are responsible for bringing their own helper for photocopying assistance.

Adaptive Technology

  • Genie Pro [Magnifies printed text.]
  • Jaws [Screen reader; reads the Web and documents from files. Allows blind students to use different keyboard combinations.]
  • Kurzweil 3000 [Scans printed material and reads it aloud.]
  • Magic [Enlarges font on the computer screen.]
  • Magnifying glass [Inquire at the Reference Desk.]
  • Video Relay Service [telephone for the deaf or hard of hearing]

Currently registered students are also encouraged to visit the Assistive Technology Lab at the Center for Students with Disabilities.

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